
The Impact of Youth Nights

Over the last two months we have had the privilege to partner with six local churches to run several different Youth Night events. We love working alongside the local church and getting the opportunity to serve them in this way, providing a night where the leaders can focus on building relationships with the youth while we run a Gospel centered event. 

This month we were excited to partner with Rutland Street Church, Bryndwr Bible Chapel, Ashburton New life, Gracecity Central & East, and The Upper Room. Here are some encouraging stories from each event. 

Auckland Youth Night

"The Youth Night at Gracecity was such an amazing evening! Three groups joined us: Gracecity Central, Gracecity East and The Upper Room. It was such a fun night filled with games and great community. The new quiz was a particularly big hit amongst the young people. Tom McIvor shared a beautiful Gospel message. Four young people physically responded to the Gospel and many conversations were had that evening between youth leaders and youth about faith. A particularly exciting outcome from this Youth Night was the cultivation of community built between the three different youth groups. The youth leaders loved the joint communities and being able to connect with each other. We are excited to be a part of the Gospel being shared and about God's people coming together as a family."

- Alix

South Island Youth Nights

"The first event was with Rutland Street & Bryndwr Chapel’s youth group in Christchurch. We had 45 young people there and I had the opportunity to preach the Gospel. It was exciting to see conversations happening with youth leaders afterwards, and our prayer is that the impact of that message in the lives of the young people would continue to be felt.

This is the 4th year in a row we’ve run a Youth Night in Ashburton and it was one of the best ones yet! There was an awesome atmosphere amongst the youth, with 80 teens attending and everyone getting involved and engaged with all that was on offer. It was amazing to see the engagement the youth had while Emma shared some of her testimony through spoken word and with Nathan as he shared the Gospel. We left feeling so encouraged having seen 25 teenagers stand in response to the message and have  conversations with their youth leaders at the end of the night."

- Lance

We are so thankful for the opportunity to share the Gospel in partnership with the local church, seeing young people being followed up by leaders who have a heart and passion for God's word. If you are interested in knowing more detail about what these events look like please Get in Touch


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