
Arotahi - Hope to the community

We were privileged to be involved in an exciting new outreach called Arotahi, this was an event put on by a collection of churches and parachurch ministries in Fairfield, Hamilton (Hukanui, Te Whanau Putahi, Hamilton New Life, Central Baptist, OAC and Word of Life) with the aim of bringing hope to the community. 

It was so encouraging to see a group of believers coming from different ministries and churches to work together and be a light in the community. This was a week long event that took place which included morning kids programs, breakfast, afternoon teen programs, and evening Gospel messages. The most exciting part about this event was hearing the stories of those impacted by the Gospel, we wanted to share one in particular with you that stood out. 

Pita's Story

"A fond memory from Arotahi was young Pita! A kind young Man, who turned up every day for the kids programs. After speaking with Pita it was evident that the SPIRIT of GOD was active in his heart. Pita was very inquisitive and showed a keenness for the word of GOD.  You could tell all he wanted was to be surrounded by love, and positive role models. This made more sense as Pita shared with me that he was adopted. As the days went by it put a smile on my face as (I’m sure everyone else’s) when I looked around to see Pita sitting by himself reading from the Bible! Pita made a confession for CHRIST at Arotahi! (Hallelujah!) Praise GOD almighty! For HIS mercy and kindness. Pita has now also started attending Kenehi youth at Hukanui Bible Church, getting plugged into a local church."

- Eric Kawaya, OAC

What an incredible story showcasing the power of God's word, may we continue to pray for our community and those that attended Arotahi. God's word has the power to transform, make us feel like we belong and give us purpose in all that we do. 


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