
Staff Retreat 2023

We kicked off the year with our annual staff retreat held at Capernwray. The aim of staff retreat is for the whole team to be together refocusing and being fed into before the year begins. It's always such an encouragement for everyone to be together digging into the word and getting excited about what God has instore this year. 

We were privileged to have Tom McIvor and Paul Tabrum be our guest speakers this year. The focus was on how we are loving God with our whole heart, soul and mind and how that translates into how we serve Him. We were reminded to priortise our relationship with Christ before our ministry and to be sharing the gospel in our everyday life.

Avi's Story

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share something that God laid on my heart while we were at staff retreat at the beginning of this year. Tom McIvor was speaking about what it means to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind, and how that affects the way we do ministry. I felt challenged about making sure that what comes first is my relationship with God. No matter how busy the schedule gets loving God with all I am means putting him first above everything, even ministry. 

- Avi, Second Year Intern 

The year ahead

As we look ahead at 2023 we are excited to see how God has already been working in and through the team in powerful ways. Isn't it amazing that we serve such a powerful God who chooses to use us in his grand plan despite our flaws. We cannot wait to see how the power of the Gospel continues to impact and transform the lives of our nation. 

Thank you so much for all the support you have already shown us the year, we are incredibly blessed to have you partner with us in the mission to make the Gospel known in Aotearoa. 


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