Our Key Speaker

Rob Morton

Rob has been in church ministry for 15 years. He is currently leading a church planting team in Hastings, and working for CCCNZ as well as writing Bible curriculum for NZ Rally.

“Talk one is about a vision for ministry. We’ll ask the most important question – what is God’s vision for our ministry? What is he aiming at, and how do we fit in to his plans. Talk two is about strengthening your team. We will think about how the Apostle Paul was a team leader, and how he built up his team in the book of 2 Timothy.

Our Seminar Speakers

Craig Barrow

Dealing with Discouragement

When it comes to ministry at present, it is so hard to gain momentum and people are stopping attending church in droves (not leaving, just not attending). This seminar is all about how to check my soul and see where the discouragement is really coming from, and how to get ME back on track with Jesus. He is the core of encouragement, but sometimes/often we lose him in the madness of ministry/life/the planet.

Murray Brown

Resolving Conflict

One of the requirements of leadership is the capacity to manage people well and at no time is this more challenging than when conflict is involved. Saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing can be disastrous and so we will look at how conflict affects us and how to resolve conflict both within our leadership team and wider youth ministry situations.

Carol Dortch

Movement Creates Memories

From greeting and games to small groups, we will spend our time together exploring how movement creates memories. I believe that no matter what role you have in your leadership team you can have a dynamic impact in the lives of young people.

Jeremy Suisted

Innovation in Ministry

Innovation in Ministry is a topic I’ve studied at university and consulted in business, government and churches over the past seven years. I believe churches should be places where we boldly try new ways of creating disciples and participating in the Kingdom of God, with grace and creativity. I’ll be sharing practical ways you can think and plan new ideas for your youth ministry.

Viki Johnson

Love Your Neighbour Volunteers

If you need volunteers to run your ministry, then come along and learn from some disasters and some successes that I have experienced!  I came from a business employment background and had to rapidly change the way I consider ‘staff’ when my staff became volunteers.  There were tantrums and frustrations, which still occur but much much less! Come and join me in loving our volunteers, some practical ‘how to’ ideas and some paradigm shift ideas.

Tom McIvor

Confidence in Building Relationships

I am passionate about the gospel, understanding its simplicity, making it simple to explain and giving help around conversation with the gospel. My session will give you confidence to be able to build relationships with people as well as to  know, share and desire to share Christ with those who you know are lost.


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